5 Tips That Will Motivate You to Start Working Out This Spring

Let's face it: it's hard to find the motivation to exercise when it's cold and snowy outside. Now that spring has arrived, many people are trying to get up and get back into the gym. Whether you're a runner, a yogi, or an avid cyclist, these simple tips will help you to jump-start your spring workout routine.

  1. Start slow. You may have taken some time off, but that's no reason to feel guilty. Start your workouts slow and build up stamina to avoid burnout — and remember, at the end of the day, every little bit helps.
  2. Grab some new gear. If you're the type of person who likes to treat yourself for your hard work, buying some new workout clothes or shoes may be just what you need to start exercising again.
  3. Make a schedule. While it may seem nice to work out wherever and whenever you like, that's not realistic for most people. Making an exercise schedule will help you to get back into the habit, and it will make it more difficult to blow off your workout if something better comes up.
  4. Find a workout buddy. Working out with a partner will make it easier to hold yourself accountable, and it often makes your workouts more fun!
  5. Keep track of your progress. Nowadays, there are a number of apps and websites designed especially for tracking your weight loss progress, counting calories and recording your workouts. If you're a tech-savvy person, downloading one of these apps might help you stick to your goals.