Everyone Belongs at Zablong, a New Peculiar Pizzeria in Cincinnati

Zablong proudly advertises its "peculiar pizza," which it offers in an effort to create community. In fact, if you look closely at the eatery's unusual name, this goal is built right in: "za" is short for "pizza," and "blong" is a slang term that literally means "belonging, bringing people together across worlds, cultures, ages, and in real time."

Even though Zablong only opened several weeks ago, it's already racking up positive reviews for its oblong pies topped with unexpected ingredients. Take the Vampire Slayer, for instance. Where you might expect to see tomato sauce, you'll instead find a layer of roasted garlic puree and ricotta spread. Mozzarella, a blend of four artisan cheeses, and a drizzle of roasted garlic-rosemary olive oil sit atop this foundation, all dusted with cracked black pepper and basil leaves. You can also build your own pizza from the dough up and then wait while an employee quickly fires it or opt for a signature or customized salad instead.