How to Stay Active During Cold Cincy Winter

The holidays have come and gone, and it’s time to prove you’re committed to your New Year’s resolution this time around. If you resolved to stay active straight through the wintry months, here’s how to reach your fitness goals (and stay warm doing it).

  1. Bundle up and head outside. Some people prefer the sun on their face and fresh air in their lungs when they exercise, as opposed to the gym environment. If you’re among these people, feel free to keep up your fresh-air routine in the winter, just make sure you’re wearing the proper clothing. Layer up with warm, sweat-wicking materials, and don’t forget thick socks, warm gloves, and a hat.

  2. Set a personal goal. A vague resolution like “get fitter in 2019” is a good starting point, but it’s hard to measure success against this goal. So come up with something more specific (and realistic), like getting out for a run twice a week or hitting up a yoga class every Thursday night. This way, you’ll have a solid idea of how you’re doing.

  3. Work out with a friend. It’s more fun working out with someone else—and they’re your built-in accountability partner. Even on the days that you don’t feel like going to the gym, if you know someone’s already there waiting for you, you’ll be more apt to get moving. So find another friend who’s also interested in exercising more and bring them on board to be your fitness buddy.

  4. Drink plenty of water. All your hard work in the gym or on the running path will be for naught if you don’t drink enough water, and it’s easy to under-hydrate in the winter. That’s because you aren’t sweating as much as you do throughout the summer, so you don’t feel as thirsty—but make sure you’re still getting at least eight glasses of water per day, plus some extra when you work out!

Winter fitness: Safety tips for exercising outdoors [Mayo Clinic]
Winter-Proof Your Workout [Fitness]
10 Winter Fitness and Wellness Tips [NIFS]