Simple New Year’s Resolutions Worth Making — and Keeping

What does your New Year’s resolution usually look like? Is it always about hitting the gym or eating more veggies? For 2019, commit to a meaningful resolution you can actually keep—like one of the following—and set yourself up for success early on.

Sleep more.
Most New Year’s resolutions require your time. Spend more time at the gym; make every Sunday afternoon meal-prep time; work on your side hustle for a few hours each week. But one thing you might not be devoting enough time to is sleep. Getting a solid eight hours every night is an integral part of healthy living that many people forget. This year, resolve to get more sleep each night, whether that’s seven hours or a nice nine, and maybe even throw in a nap here and there.

Get your vitamin D.
Getting outside every day is another vital aspect of healthy living, one that’s frequently ignored. Even on chilly days, commit to bundling up and soaking up some sunshine for at least five minutes a day (when the weather allows). Natural light and the vitamin D it contains can actually boost your mood and set you up for a happier day—and year.

Put down your devices.
Look back at your social media feeds from 2018, and you’ll probably find that you captured a lot of memories. But how many of those memories are as sharp in your mind as they are in the pictures? In 2019, make memories the old-fashioned way—without a phone in your hand. Commit to putting down your devices and being more present. One simple resolution you can make is to leave your phone in the car or your purse when you go out for dinner!

Go easy on yourself.
There’s a reason most New Year’s resolutions don’t see the light of February! Making a change is hard. If you don’t nail your New Year’s resolution right out of the gate, give yourself some grace and try again the next day. It helps to ask friends and family for support, too, and to set small goals that you can actually achieve!

17 New Year Resolution Ideas For A More Meaningful Life [Meaningful Life Center]
8 Easy, Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for Better Health [New York Times]
Making your New Year’s resolution stick [American Psychological Association]